Gesundheitsbeschwerden von A bis ZA Abdominal complaints Abdominal flu Abdominal pain Abdominal pain in children Acid reflux Acne Alopecia Appendicitis Asthma Athlete’s foot B Back hernia Balanitis Bladder infection Blocked ear Blow to the eye Blow to, or fall on, the head Boil Breast changes Bump on the eyelid (chalazion) Burn Burnout Bursitis C Chest pain Chickenpox Chlamydia Cold sore Concussion Corn Coronavirus Coughing Crohn’s disease Cuticle infection D Dehydration Depression Diarrhoea Dizziness Dry eyes E Ear canal infection Eczema Eye infection F Fever Fever in children Fibromyalgia Fifth disease Flu G Ganglion Glandular fever H Haemorrhoids Hair loss Hay fever Heel spur complaints High blood pressure Hives Hoarseness I Impetigo Insect bite Iron deficiency Irritable bowel Itch L Low blood pressure Lower back pain M Meningitis Middle ear infection (child) Migraine Moles My baby has a fever N Nappy rash Neck hernia Neck pain Nocturnal calf cramps Nosebleed P Palpitations Pneumonia Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Pressure blister Pyelonephritis S Scabies Sepsis Shingles Shortness of breath Sore throat Splinter Sports injury Stomach ulcer Stress Sun allergy T Tennis elbow Thrush Tick bite Type 2 diabetes U Unwell child V Vaginal bleeding Vaginal discharge Vaginal yeast infection Varicose veins Vomiting W Warts Water warts Whitlow Worms